Home > Artworks > ARTE & MODA by Ivan Oliveri

Photo of ARTE & MODA by Ivan Oliveri Spain

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Ivan Oliveri was born in Santander in 1978 family of Italian origin.

Available by the art was more than clear, father painter and gallery owner, is very young and grew interested in art environment.

Awarded from very young on several occasions in competitions in drawing, painting, posters and window displays.

Ivan Oliveri interior designer by profession today, ART & FASHION created as a concept...

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Ivan Oliveri was born in Santander in 1978 family of Italian origin.

Available by the art was more than clear, father painter and gallery owner, is very young and grew interested in art environment.

Awarded from very young on several occasions in competitions in drawing, painting, posters and window displays.

Ivan Oliveri interior designer by profession today, ART & FASHION created as a concept brand that fuses fashion with modern art (another of his passions)

ART & FASHION born with the intention to give each project the final touch and total customization through their own pictures.

Fresh art is a hard and full of personality.

Undoubtedly not lost on the walls where it is exposed.

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